Experiencing Soul Restoration

Experiencing Soul Restoration

Connecting the soul (the intellect, will, and emotion) with Biblical truths and psychological knowledge. 

Integrating the soul with body and spirit for peace in all areas of life—business, personal, marriage, family, and relationships.

In addition to the NPD Lectures explained in previous pages, Dr. Alff also presented the following 10-part series on Soul Restoration.
At the bottom of this section are a series of free articles also on the topic of Soul Restoration and Soul Peace. She wrote them for the publication 'Jubilee' in 2008.

Continuing Sequential CD Lecture

"Experiencing Soul Restoration (ESR) Series: Ways to begin working with our own negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, that limit us from fully receiving all the blessings that God has for us".

Each of these sequential CD's are 30-40 minutes long, and are $15 each. I recommend listening to them in order as each builds on the previous one.


ESR.1. “Experiencing Soul Importance,” explained the history that provided the free lecture series at Fountain Of Life Church in Washington, PA, to honor this Church and Grace Communion International.  It covered the plan of the series to give us practical ways to work with the Lord in bringing healing into the depths of our own soul, which is the work of sanctification.  This lecture contrasted receiving the salvation provided only by the Lord Jesus Christ, as opposed to working out our sanctification that comes after we receive Jesus.  This lecture defined the soul (the intellect, behavior (will), and emotions) experientially, and noted the soul’s importance in our health and prosperous life journey.

ESR.2. “Experiencing Soul Importance (Continued),” described the soul’s role in breaking down our spiritual wall of protection (our spiritual armor) as well as in recycling behavior, and how both of these opened the door to enemy troubling.  Scriptures were given emphasizing our sanctifying work of putting on the Lord Jesus Christ in our minds, behavior (will), and emotions.  It discussed how self-shame destroys us, and how our negative thoughts, behaviors (will), and emotions hinder our growing into sanctification, and form our own individual reality and soul filters.

ESR.3. “Experiencing Jesus In The Soul,” detailed how we make our own soul’s filter; how negatives take us out of reality; how self-hate breaks our three areas of relationships and is murder; and how to deal with the murder.  It presented and used two of three tools to transform negatives into the Lord’s peace in the soul: The Quick Prayer to give back the negatives of soul hate coming from others through the traditions of the Fathers; and The Parenting Prayer to grow up the self hate and negatives coming from ourselves.

ESR.4. “Experiencing More Of Jesus In The Soul,” discussed positive vs. negative fear; how our soul effects what our spirit is saying; the interconnection of the body, soul, and spirit; and distancing of God by our negative Church roles for men and women today. It began the third tool to transform negatives into the Lord’s peace in the soul: The Personal Prayer:  This prayer addresses the negative attitudes, behaviors (will), and emotions, as well as the door they opened to demonic troubling, in ourselves, in those who have abused/persecuted us, and in both of our family lines.

ESR.5. “Experiencing God’s Truth In The Wounded Soul,”portrayed the assassination of our character; the assassination of God’s character; and the present day implications of believing that God cursed Eve.  The Three Prayers focused on praying over many aspects of our conception, our character assassination by our own selves and others, and our assassination of God’s character.

ESR.6. “Experiencing The Negative ‘Traditions Of The Fathers’ In  The Home,” considered the implications of intergenerational traditions of lack of emotional nourishment in home relationships and the soul’s reaction to feeling rejected.  The Three Prayers focused on confessing these agreed-to negative intergenerational injustices that estranged us from our own selves and others, and therefore from God.  Then we agreed with The Lord, and closed the door to the demons that we allowed in to trouble our lives in that area as a result of the rejection.

ESR.7. “Experiencing The Negative ‘Traditions of the Fathers’ In The Church.”  The traditions learned in the home of each individual Church member became assimilated into Church doctrine through their Church participation.  We formulated a definition of ‘Traditions of the Fathers’ from Jesus’ teaching, looked at where they come from, and listed the ‘Traditions’ that we have already covered in previous lectures of this series.  Then we covered the ‘Tradition’ of salvation through good works.  We dealt with these issues in the Quick and Parenting Prayers.

ESR.8. “Experiencing Spiritual Warfare In The Soul,” defined spiritual warfare from the different perspective of experience: The most important spiritual warfare we do is dealing with our own negatives.  The lecture then clarified who does this spiritual warfare; its duties; how God describes spiritual warfare; how God’s description was altered through sin; and how the Lord Jesus Christ transformed the job description when He died on the cross and rose again.

ERS.9. “Experiencing Ways To Keep And Tend Our Soul Garden,” looked at our lives as if they were a garden- - a soul garden.  The lecture emphasized how to weed out from our garden negative thoughts, behaviors (will), and emotions.  It explained how to understand our humanness and its affect on our soul garden.  Our humanness does not cease when we become a Christian.  That is why we must learn the process of how to control our negatives.  Fruit follows Christians.  For example, we receive God’s love and use it to love ourselves.  Then we are able to love God and others, which becomes the fruit of the spirit called love.  We used The Three Prayers to address areas where we put ourselves or others down for being human, and then remitted the sin.

ESR.10. “Experiencing The Purpose Of Our Garden,” announced that the purpose of our garden is the purpose of our life: we are created for relationship with God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as with other people.  Ways of breaking relationships were stressed, beginning with a feeling of rejection from ourselves, God, and others, in our home as a child.  The Three Prayers covered these areas of estrangement through remitting sin, and breaking judgment curses.  We then discussed God’s plan for our soul garden, our life.

Soul Peace Articles in "Jubilee, A Good News Publication" by Grace Ministries International, POBox 86, Monessen, PA 15062. 

*The free articles are available in Adobe PDF and are accessed by clicking on the file.

SP1 Body Memories (PDF)
SP2 Body, Soul, and Spirit (PDF)
SP3 Soul Interactions / Integration (PDF)
To Purchase the Booklet: Getting to Know God Link:
SP4 Soul Protection (PDF)
SP5 Soul Treasures (PDF)
SP6 Soul Truth (PDF)
SP7 Soul Dumping (PDF)
SP8 Soul Fears Part I Overview (PDF)
SP8 Soul Fears Part II In Depth (PDF)
SP9 Soul Imaginations (PDF)
SP10 Business Soul (PDF)
SP11 Soul Glasses (PDF)
SP12 Soul Quiet (PDF)

Background Information On The Soul
Copyright © 2008, by Dr. Mardee Alff, Psy.D.
All Rights Reserved.


Who hasn’t experienced this human predicament?  You are scheduled to do something by a certain time.  But you don’t want to do it, and you are having trouble making yourself do it.  You have something else that you want to do.

No matter what the circumstance, the wrestling is the same.  You negotiate with yourself: you want a few more minutes before you start.    You think about how you will have to alter the schedule to accommodate starting later. You don’t want to alter the schedule, but you don’t want to start now.  You need just a few more minutes.  You finally begin late. You are rushed the rest of the day because of not starting when you originally planned.  You get angry at yourself or others.

For the full article please click the or PDF link below:
Background Information On The Soul (PDF)